TPS has worked on Tuxedo projects from Atlanta to Zurich. Many assignments
were to rescue floundering projects. Through this experience we found that Tuxedo
projects are like writing a novel; some teams write like Shakespeare, but most
don't. Creating a quality application usually takes two or three re-writes before
a company gets the hang of things. If a company has multiple projects, it is
nearly impossible to create common standards between the teams or enforce any
level of quality control. In turn, Operations is left with a nightmare supporting
multiple applications without any common infrastructure.
TPS is not satisfied with just rescuing projects. By fulfilling our
mission statement, we provide the edge companies need to be successful in their
development processes:
- Single Source - Most projects are delayed by the endless research
that must be done to integrate differing technologies and discovering the
nuisances of such integration. By providing expertise on Tuxedo, Operating
Systems, DBMS, Queueing Systems, and Networking technology, questions can
be answered in minutes instead of hours or days.
- Right the First Time - Often companies get into trouble because a
prototype is built as proof of concept, and then pushed directly into production.
This typically results in endless problems for Operations. Consequently the
application is re-written to address Operational problems, with new functionality
also added. TPS doesn't believe in paying for the same real-estate twice.
By using the TPS Tuxedo Toolkit (T3)
companies can develop Production-Ready applications in Prototype time frames.
- Performance/Capacity Planning - TPS has worked extensively with existing
applications, improving their performance and capacity. TPS has been able
to revive applications that were D.O.A, to increasing the performance
of some applications by 400%. In addition, the TPS
Tuxedo Toolkit (T3) comes with builtin metric gathering and reporting
infrastructure. Any application built with T3
can instantly be monitored and measured from numerous performance views.
- Security - TPS has worked extensively with Encryption and Digital
Signature technology to create highly secure applications. These applications
feature the classical security attributes of Privacy, Authentication, Authorization,
Integrity, and Non-Repudiation (PAAINR). This can be integrated into the Tuxedo
Security Framework or work outside of said framework. In addition the security
can be made Sessionless and pass transparently through a Tuxedo complex. TPS
has created the Sessionless Security System (S3)
for this capability.
- High Availability - Practically every system TPS has worked with
had some high level of availability. TPS has created Instanteous
Failover to automatically provide HA capabilities to any application written
with the TPS Tuxedo Toolkit (T3). IF
provides the ability for a Tuxedo application to switch from one machine to
another less than 1 second after detecting a system failure. Not only does
the switch take place almost instantaneously, but the secondary system can
be in another city, geographically seperated for disaster planning. This means
high-value applications can run at 99.999% uptime.